Itu tajuk semata-mata. Hehe. Taktau la bila nak cuba buat donut tu. Sekarang pun macam tak cukup tido je. Ataupun tak boleh tido, sebab asik fikir pasal order dan response tukang order. Risau kalau customer tak puas hati. Kita buat kek untuk me"happy"kan orang. Kalau kek tak sedap atau tak menepati citarasa tentulah orang tu tak happy kan. Mcmana eh nak puaskan hati semua orang. Nanti hati sendiri yang sengsara. Chewah!
OK ni Nurul upload beberapa gambar cupcakes dan mini cheesecakes from this week`s orders. Ada lagi yang belum sempat transfer dari kamera ke pc. Later ya. Anyway, infinite thanks to Oli, Nik, Zyma and friends! Kak Nurul tunggu next order. Keke.

We do cater to engagement cuppies and wedding favours, please email detail of products (muffin or cupcakes) with quantity and choice of packaging for quotation. BTW, we aren`t taking any more orders from 13 - 17 March and 20 - 22 March. Cuti sekolah, babe. Ramai mintak buat wedding favours. FULL already. Sorry.
To order, text me at 019.6252580 or email with details.
For lightning-y response, please copy, paste, fill in and email this info~
Phone No:
Date & Time to be delivered:
Address to be delivered:
Order: (Quantity and Size, Flavour, Colours, Theme ~ataupun nak ikut design dari gambar kt blog pun boleh tapi sila mention yg mana satu)
Products and Price List >> Click Here!
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How To Order >> Click Here!
nak tanye..kalau nak order n nak hantar kat sum1 tp x nak gtaw from whom..boleh x??
Da' daffodil D,
Boleh tapi kena bagi full address la, so that we can deliver it for you. Aite?
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