Fiera text me on Thursday; " Thanx nurul for the cuppies that day. Sedap. Insya Allah kite order yang strawberry tu untuk kawen nanti." Hehe, thanks again Fiera!
Yang bawah ni pulak mix flavours cheesetarts yang Kak Ana FKKKSA tempah. Thanks Kak! And sorry lewat hantar. Jgn serik pulak nak order dgn nurul lagi. Hehe.

Thanks to all yang bertanya ttg product, package dan price. Maaf kalau sms dan email lambat berjawab. Either Nurul tgh baking ataupun tgh tido. Hehe. Kt bawah ni Nurul paste link utk further info. Boleh tgk2 dulu dan if ada apa-apa nak tanya boleh sms/email ye. Maceh tak terhingga!
Opps lupa. Kalau nak sms please mention nama dan location, senang nak ingat. Pastu kalau email boleh copy paste yang ala-ala form kat bawah ni dan fill in, so dgn sepantas kilat Nurul boleh bagi quotation. Okies?
Phone No:
Date & Time to be delivered:
Address to be delivered:
Order: (Quantity and Size, Flavour, Colours, Theme ~ataupun nak ikut design dari gambar kt blog pun boleh tapi sila mention yg mana satu)
Products and Price List >> Click Here!
Our Flickr Gallery utk browse design >> Click Here!
How To Order >> Click Here!
More photos will be uploaded in 2-3 days. Meanwhile, cuci-cuci mata dulu dgn gambar sedia ada ye. Hehe. Bye. I love you guys!
*We will be closing orders for 19-22 February. Sorry for the inconveniences. Tapi nape nak tunggu 19 Feb, order la sekarang supaya anda tak kempunan makan cupcakes. Hehe.
Yang bawah ni pulak mix flavours cheesetarts yang Kak Ana FKKKSA tempah. Thanks Kak! And sorry lewat hantar. Jgn serik pulak nak order dgn nurul lagi. Hehe.

Thanks to all yang bertanya ttg product, package dan price. Maaf kalau sms dan email lambat berjawab. Either Nurul tgh baking ataupun tgh tido. Hehe. Kt bawah ni Nurul paste link utk further info. Boleh tgk2 dulu dan if ada apa-apa nak tanya boleh sms/email ye. Maceh tak terhingga!
Opps lupa. Kalau nak sms please mention nama dan location, senang nak ingat. Pastu kalau email boleh copy paste yang ala-ala form kat bawah ni dan fill in, so dgn sepantas kilat Nurul boleh bagi quotation. Okies?
Phone No:
Date & Time to be delivered:
Address to be delivered:
Order: (Quantity and Size, Flavour, Colours, Theme ~ataupun nak ikut design dari gambar kt blog pun boleh tapi sila mention yg mana satu)
Products and Price List >> Click Here!
Our Flickr Gallery utk browse design >> Click Here!
How To Order >> Click Here!
More photos will be uploaded in 2-3 days. Meanwhile, cuci-cuci mata dulu dgn gambar sedia ada ye. Hehe. Bye. I love you guys!
*We will be closing orders for 19-22 February. Sorry for the inconveniences. Tapi nape nak tunggu 19 Feb, order la sekarang supaya anda tak kempunan makan cupcakes. Hehe.
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