I`m happy that MyCuppies has received positive responses (compliments and some encouraging comments) these past few months. It has been more tiring yet more inspiring! And browsing through blogs of some other cupcakes makers who are much much more creative and talented, saya terasa sangat kecil. Banyak lagi ilmu nak kena menuntut ni. Hehe. However with tight schedule and limited budget, tak dpt la nak pegi baking courses. Cuma boleh usaha belajar online from sifu-sifu yg mmg tak lokek ilmu. I like! Dan dan dan sebenarnye Nurul teringin sangat nak buat kek hantaran dgn fondant, tapi takde sape nk order lagi ni =p
Apa-apapun terima kasih pada semua yg buat tempahan. Nurul harap anda berpuas hati dgn produk dan perkhidmatan MyCuppies. Keep the orders coming ya!
Apa-apapun terima kasih pada semua yg buat tempahan. Nurul harap anda berpuas hati dgn produk dan perkhidmatan MyCuppies. Keep the orders coming ya!

*Nurul akan hire one new worker utk bake dan deco dlm masa terdekat ni. Tapi kalau kualiti tak sama dgn hasil kerja Nurul, mmg kena pecat la budak tu. Hehe. *sengih dgn tanduk atas kepala*