Date: 5 December 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10.30am -2.30pm
Venue: Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, Shah Alam
Fee: RM150
Kelas adalah hands-on dan merangkumi kaedah-kaedah:
1. membuat chocolate cupcake
2. membuat buttercream
3. buttercream decorating
4. tips on do's and dont's
Jumlah cupcake yg akan dideco 16pcs (untuk dibawa pulang). Semua resepi, tools dan ingredients akan Nurul sediakan. So cuma dtg bawa badan je, dan juga apron kalau ada.
Kelas limit to only 4 person per session.
Please register melalui email ke
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Kelas Cupcake November 2010
Ramai yang bertanya ttg kelas cupcake decorating with fondant. Nurul jarang deco guna fondant kecuali untuk hantaran. So if nak buat kelas full belajar fondant from A to Z tu macam tak berapa sesuai la plk kan.
Tapi, Nurul plan nak buat satu kelas yg fokus untuk deco hantaran cupcake seperti dalam gambar.
Hantaran Cupcake Decorating with Fondant/Gumpaste
Date: 21 November 2010 (Sunday)Time: 10.30am -3.00pm
Venue: Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, Shah Alam
Fee: RM200
Kelas adalah hands-on dan merangkumi kaedah-kaedah:
1. mewarnakan fondant/gumpaste
2. membentuk roses dan daun dpd fondant/gumpaste
3. cupcake decorating with fondant
4. edible image and additional decoration on cupcakes
4. decorating the whole hantaran box including papercups
Peserta akan bawa pulang 1 box of beautifully self-decorated hantaran cupcake of their own theme colour, and of course the skills learnt throughout the class.
Chocolate/vanilla cupcake Nurul akan sediakan beforehand. Dan bahan-bahan semua disediakan juga. Bila dah confirm nanti boleh emailkan prefered theme colour so that Nurul boleh sediakan decoration items before class started. Nanti you all datang bawak hati yg ceria dan kamera je hehe.
Further enquiry dan registration boleh emailkan ke atau call 016-2252587.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Link Exchange
Salam and hi everyone. It's been long, hasn't it? =)
Life was hectic with work (and sleep) heh. I'm sorry to those who called and emailed but their orders have been denied. Just managed to make some cuppies throughout these whole few months. Itu pun tak sempat nak snap gambar dan update di blog.
Well since I'm already on leave and have some spare time this afternoon, I decided to revamp the look of this blog. Been so looooong with the same layout, lama-lama tengok rasa nak muntah =p. Dengan wajah baru ni, hopefully I will have more time to bake and deco more cupcakes for you all. Tak siap pun lagi layout ni sbnrnye =p tapi sikit-sikit dulu la eh.
Dan sempena dgn "pre-launching" (hihi!) wajah baru MyCuppies, nurul ada wish sikit. Pada sesiapa yg nak link anda dimasukkan kat blog ni, boleh tulis comment kat entry ini, beserta dgn blog address anda dan badge/banner/button image link jika ada. Nurul nak kumpulkan blog cupcake makers kat sini. Blog-blog lain yg tak berkaitan cakes and cupcakes pun boleh juga, insyaAllah nurul update links from time to time.
Alamak dah lama tak menulis entry ni otak pun beku takde idea. Till my next entry ya!
*Edit: Baru perasan takde gmbr nak letak utk entry kali ni.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Kelas Cupcake June 2010
Salam and hi fellow visitors.
Lama tak update blog ni. Kadang-kadang tak sempat nak ambil gambar cupcakes dan trs deliver kepada customers so tak dpt la nak upload gmbr kat sini dan Flickr MyCuppies. Hidup makin sibuk, bulan ni belum smpt terima order lagi. Maaflah kepada yg bertanya dan Nurul tak dpt nak buatkan cupcakes for your special day.
Ok, nak update ttg kelas cupcake bulan ni. Akan diadakan seperti details di bawah.
Basic Cupcake Decorating with Buttercream dan Chocolate Topping
Date: 12 June 2010 (Saturday)
Time: 10am -2.30pm
Venue: Setia Alam, Seksyen U13, Shah Alam
Fee: RM150
Details ttg apa yg akan belajar dlm kelas cupcake ni boleh tgk previous post ataupun leave your email address kat chatbox dan Nurul send details kt email.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Basic Cupcake Deco Class in May
Salam and hi everyone.
Basic cupcake decorating with buttercream class will be held on 15/5.
Venue is at my house in Setia Alam Seksyen U13, Shah Alam.
Basic Cupcake Decorating Class
Detail tentang cupcake deco class boleh tgk kat entry sebelum ni ye.
Email/sms me for more info ya.
016-2252587 Nurul
*Kalau tak jawab call, pls sms and I'll return back your call.
Skrg busy sikit kat ofis.
Daaa. Take care everyone!
Basic cupcake decorating with buttercream class will be held on 15/5.
Venue is at my house in Setia Alam Seksyen U13, Shah Alam.

Detail tentang cupcake deco class boleh tgk kat entry sebelum ni ye.
Email/sms me for more info ya.
016-2252587 Nurul
*Kalau tak jawab call, pls sms and I'll return back your call.
Skrg busy sikit kat ofis.
Daaa. Take care everyone!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Cupcake Class for March
Salam and Hi.
There will be another basic cupcake baking & decorating class.
Details as follow:
Date: 14 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10am - 2.30pm
Venue: Rumah Nurul di Setia Alam Seksyen U13
Sesiapa berminat boleh email dan Nurul forward detail tentang aktiviti semasa kelas.
Ada beberapa email blm dibalas, sorry ye. Sibuk sikit. Nanti Nurul reply.
Thank you.
There will be another basic cupcake baking & decorating class.
Details as follow:
Date: 14 March 2010 (Sunday)
Time: 10am - 2.30pm
Venue: Rumah Nurul di Setia Alam Seksyen U13
Sesiapa berminat boleh email dan Nurul forward detail tentang aktiviti semasa kelas.
Ada beberapa email blm dibalas, sorry ye. Sibuk sikit. Nanti Nurul reply.
Thank you.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Not Available for February
Salam and hi everyone.
Just to mention that I will not be taking anymore orders for February.
Banyak cuti so nak balik kampung. Hihi.
Enjoy your holidays ya!
Just to mention that I will not be taking anymore orders for February.
Banyak cuti so nak balik kampung. Hihi.
Enjoy your holidays ya!
Friday, January 29, 2010
Basic Cupcake Decorating Class (February) Dah Full
Salam, all.
Just to inform that the cupcake class is already full for the time being.
Insya Allah bulan March Nurul buka semula registration ye.
Untuk February, yang dah confirm adalah:
1. Norly
2. Aliza (Paid Full)
3. Aida
4. Zarina
5. Wani
Kalau nama-nama di atas ada yang nak cancel pls bagitau Nurul k. So Nurul boleh buka untuk orang lain.
Thank you =)
Just to inform that the cupcake class is already full for the time being.
Insya Allah bulan March Nurul buka semula registration ye.
Untuk February, yang dah confirm adalah:
1. Norly
2. Aliza (Paid Full)
3. Aida
4. Zarina
5. Wani
Kalau nama-nama di atas ada yang nak cancel pls bagitau Nurul k. So Nurul boleh buka untuk orang lain.
Thank you =)
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Cake for Anniversary - Red and White Theme, dan Update Kelas Cupcake

Happy Anniversary to Sue and partner!
Sue eventually emailed me asking for idea of cupcake theme for her anniversary. I haven't have any anniversary theme orders before, so I actually have no other idea than a lovey-dovey theme. She then emailed a pic of a small cake with three cupcakes around it, and asked for a red and white theme. So Nurul buat la according to Sue's preference.
Thanks Sue for ordering! Hope both of you enjoy the cake, as much as I do have fun making it =)
Tentang kelas cupcake decorating, insyaAllah akan diadakan mulai Februari di Shah Alam (Seksyen U13 Setia Alam). Mengikut perancangan, Nurul nak buat 7hb (Ahad) dan 20hb (Sabtu).
Kelas ni hands-on dan merangkumi kaedah-kaedah:
1. membuat chocolate cupcake
2. membuat buttercream
3. buttercream decorating
4. membuat chocolate topping
5. menghias choc cupcake dgn choc topping dan fresh strawberry
Jumlah cupcake yg akan dideco sekurang-kurangnya 16pcs (untuk dibawa pulang). Semua resepi, tools dan ingredients akan Nurul sediakan. So cuma dtg bawa badan je, dan juga apron kalau ada.
Please register melalui email ke Nyatakan:
No fon
Tarikh kelas
Thank you all!
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