Hello everyone! Just wanna announce that we are upgrading the website currently.
You may not be able to access MyCuppies at times, but fret not that we will be back in two weeks maybe.
Thank you for staying with us =)
Friday, October 30, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
October Calendar for Cupcake Order Reference
Entah kenape lately phone num Celcom ni always no service/no network. Sesape yg call 019.6252580 tapi tak dpt, boleh cuba call 016.5285365. Kalau tak jawab tu maybe masa tu ada kerja lain. Boleh tgalkan sms dan Nurul akan contact bila free ye.
Here is the calendar for your reference. Yang putih je tu actually tak terima order tapi boleh la try tanya. Kalau rasa available maybe Nurul terima.

Biru tu limited, filling fast. Macam nak beli tiket wayang pulek. Hehe. Nak bg tips sikit, walaupun Nurul cakap buat order at least 3 hari sebelum kan, tapi biasanye seminggu sebelum tu dah ramai yg order. So untuk tidak berasa kecewa, silalah mintak quotation atau email enquiry tu at least 10hari sebelum. Kadang2 tak sampai hati nak tolak permintaan orang tapi apakan daya I do this as side income je. Yg mana mampu tu sedaya boleh Nurul tunaikan. Tapi tak bolehla smpi mengganggu kerjaya tetap kan..
OK so yang hijau tu available slots lah. Cepat2 booking sebelum org lain yg dapat. Hehe.
Prosedur untuk order lebih kurang mcm ni (walaupun sbnrnye tak kisah la nak approach mcmana, tp kalau ikut prosedur ni lebih memudahkan):
1. Browse products dan tgk design yg berkenan kat sini >> Flickr's MyCuppies
2. Kalau ada contoh gambar dari buku ke, gmbr hantaran kawan2 ke, boleh jugak. Kita discuss nak alter mcmana nanti.
3. Tgk kalendar available ke tak. Then email secara ringkas dan nyatakan detail (nama, location, phone num, kuantiti dan decoration/design/theme). Kalau ada gmbr contoh pun boleh attach. Ataupun boleh sms dulu tny tarikh tu available lagi tak.
4. Nurul akan reply email/sms secepat mungkin, sama ada available atau tak.
5. Bayar deposit 50% untuk confirmation. Kalau takde deposit ni Nurul anggap you tak jadi order. So slot untuk tarikh tu akan open lagi untuk org lain.
Well, thats all for now. Selamat browse through our site =)
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Accepting Orders for October!
Holla everyone!
Puasa ke tak ni? Hehehe.
Dah beberapa bulan kita freeze from business tapi entah dari mana datang semangat berkobar2 Nurul rasa nak buka semula tempahan. Ngeee. Well, there is always good news kan, dan sempena nak menyambut Syawal ni, apa kata semarakkan kemeriahan jamuan Aidilfitri dengan kek dan cupcakes from MyCuppies!!
Secara rasminye (chewahh!) tempahan dibuka semula tapi untuk kawasan sekitar Shah Alam dan KL je ye. Order boleh buat sekarang tapi delivery dan self pick up after raya je la. To be spesific, mulai 1st October 2009. Raya nak balik kampung kat Perak. Hehe. And to cupcake lovers di JB, I mintak maap la sebab tak dpt nak tunaikan permintaan, kecuali kalau nak order kek lapis cadbury yang penghantarannye secara poslaju akan dipertimbangkan.
And for a lil` bad news, orders are opened for a very limited quantity during weekdays, whereas for weekends maybe boleh lebih sikit la.
So jangan tunggu lagi, email or sms me for requests. Boleh discuss pasal flavors, themes, delivery charge etc. Kalau Nurul tak jawab call means tgh sibuk sikit, so sms je and Nurul will call back once dah free. And pls order at least 7days in advance so that I have enough time to prepare everything =)
Thats all for now. Nak balik rumah siap2 untuk buka puasa. Lalala~
Puasa ke tak ni? Hehehe.
Dah beberapa bulan kita freeze from business tapi entah dari mana datang semangat berkobar2 Nurul rasa nak buka semula tempahan. Ngeee. Well, there is always good news kan, dan sempena nak menyambut Syawal ni, apa kata semarakkan kemeriahan jamuan Aidilfitri dengan kek dan cupcakes from MyCuppies!!
Secara rasminye (chewahh!) tempahan dibuka semula tapi untuk kawasan sekitar Shah Alam dan KL je ye. Order boleh buat sekarang tapi delivery dan self pick up after raya je la. To be spesific, mulai 1st October 2009. Raya nak balik kampung kat Perak. Hehe. And to cupcake lovers di JB, I mintak maap la sebab tak dpt nak tunaikan permintaan, kecuali kalau nak order kek lapis cadbury yang penghantarannye secara poslaju akan dipertimbangkan.
And for a lil` bad news, orders are opened for a very limited quantity during weekdays, whereas for weekends maybe boleh lebih sikit la.
So jangan tunggu lagi, email or sms me for requests. Boleh discuss pasal flavors, themes, delivery charge etc. Kalau Nurul tak jawab call means tgh sibuk sikit, so sms je and Nurul will call back once dah free. And pls order at least 7days in advance so that I have enough time to prepare everything =)
Products and Price List >> Click Here!
Browse design at our Flickr Gallery >> Click Here!
Order now! >> Click Here!
Browse design at our Flickr Gallery >> Click Here!
Order now! >> Click Here!
Thats all for now. Nak balik rumah siap2 untuk buka puasa. Lalala~
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